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Getting Started

Before you start, you will need to download the code from our GitHub repo. If you are new to GitHub, here's a simple guide to get you started. To get our code run:

git clone

Make sure you have Python 3.6 or higher. To check your python version:

python3 --version

If you do not have Python 3, you can donwload it from

Finally, you will need some packages:

  • simpy
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • networkx
  • scipy==1.6.0
  • geopandas
  • scikit-learn
  • pyproj
  • tqdm
  • tensorflow==1.15
  • git+git://

To install the packages you can use pip3, which comes already ingtegated with Python3. Eg:

pip3 install numpy

Alternatively, you can also use Anaconda, which can help you to handle packages and libraries. In that case, you would use conda to install the packages. Eg:

conda install numpy

The fast-track

  1. Clone the git repository

  2. You can then customize the inputs as desired:

    • To change the city you will need to obtain a shapefile containing the buildings and a graph containing the road network.
    • You can customize the parameters in the configuration file config.json
  3. Run the script:

  • To run a single file, adapt ‘config.json’ to the desired parameters for each experiment and run ‘’
  • To run multiple experiments in a batch simulation, Specify the MODE (0=Station-based, 1=Dockless, 2= Autonomous) in Line 21 in ‘’ and run it.
  1. The run times will be printed at the end of the simulation and the results will be saved in the ‘results’ folder in a subfolder with the filename being the timestamp of the simulation launch time. This folder will contain the configuration file that was used to launch it and the two main output files: ‘user_trips.csv’ and ‘bike_trips.csv’.